Graph visualization meet-up in Paris

Meetup on graph visualization: join us the 24/01 in Paris

Neo4j, the leading graph database software, will be organizing a meetup on the visualization of graphs. It’s free, if you want to come you just have to register here.

Graph databases are a new way to store and access data by representing it as nodes and connections. It is particularly useful for dealing with highly connected data as social networks, recommendation engines, music discovery or anti-fraud systems do. Graph databases give data scientists exciting opportunities.

You will learn how to combine Neo4j and Gephi using the Neo4j plugin of Gephi. You will also discover Linkurious, a novel web-based application to explore graph data easily, which has been co-founded by Sébastien Heymann.

The workshop will be held in English and French.

Register on

Date: 24th of January, from 7:30 PM to 10:15 PM
Place: Zenika office, 10 rue de Milan, Paris

First Gephi drink in Paris

user-group_smallThis is an announcement for the first Gephi User Group drink in Paris! The area has many active Gephi users and supporters and we are looking forward making regular meetups, to create connections and discuss features and projects. The group is also open to students interested in open-source or data visualization.

date2 The first event is planned for Wednesday September 28, 20.00 to 22.00 (free access) in Aux 2 Academies, 15 Rue Bonaparte, Paris Au Père Tranquille, 16 rue Pierre Lescot, Paris (map).

Gephi can be used in many domains and with different types of data. Whether you are a scientist, a student, an artist, a developer or a simple enthusiast, you are welcome to join the community and show up at our meetup. It’s a great opportunity to ask questions, discuss data, plugins, code, metrics or visualization.


The meetup will be organized by Sébastien Heymann, Gephi co-founder. To register, sign-in on and RSVP for the event.