First Gephi Plugin Developers Workshop on October, 6

gephi workshop

This is an announcement for the first Gephi Plugins Developers Workshop October 6, 2011 in Mountain View, California. Come and learn how to write your first Gephi plugin and ask questions. The workshop is organized by Mathieu Bastian, Gephi Architect and will be gratefully hosted by IMVU.

Gephi is a modular software and can be extended with plug-ins. Plug-ins can add new features like layout, filters, metrics, data sources, etc. or modify existing features. Gephi is written in Java so anything that can be used in Java can be packaged as a Gephi plug-in! Visit the Plugins Portal on the wiki and follow the tutorials to get started.

The workshop will start with a presentation of Gephi’s architecture and the different types of plugins that can be written with examples. Details about Gephi’s APIs, code examples and best practices will be presented in an interactive “live coding” way. The Gephi Toolkit will also be covered in details. The second part of the workshop will be dedicated to help individuals with their projects and answer questions.

Some of the best projects using or extending Gephi are developed in the Silicon Valley and we are looking forward helping the developer community. Please don’t hesitate to send us your ideas to maximize efficiency.

RSVP here