Seminar at LIP6 Paris – March 25

I was kindly invited by the complex networks team at LIP6 to present Gephi 0.7 version during their monthly seminar.

The seminar will take place next week, on the 25th of March at LIP6 in Paris. More information here (in French). Entrance is free.


In this practical talk, I will present 0.7 version of Gephi, open-source graph visualization & manipulation software. Gephi possesses a complete set of network visualization and analysis features, proposes major innovations in dynamic and hierarchical graphs and above all is a flexible and extensible architecture for plugins. I will firstly sum up embedded features: Layout, Metrics, Ranking, Filters, Partition, Preview, Clustering, DataLab. Then, I will present and discuss dynamic and hierarchical graphs features and roadmaps while showing live demo. Afterwards, I will outline our approach by presenting the Gephi project, some insights about performance and the various possibilities of using and extending Gephi in the way scientists and engineers can rely on. To conclude I will speak about plugin development and show how to create a plugin in five minutes.

Diseasome at Online Information'09, the human disease network map, was presented at Online Information’09, the international symposium of information systems. Our conference shows how interactive exploration of complex networks can lead to innovative interfaces for document discovery:

Gephi at SISC’09 (3rd French Symposium on Complex Systems)

The Gephi team will present a poster at SISC’09, 3rd French Symposium on Complex Systems. The conference is set for November 25 – 27 in Paris, France. This is the first time we present the whole work of the community on Gephi 0.7.

pdf Poster: Gephi 0.7 project: Modular architecture for a large graph visualization and manipulation software – Building a modern and durable open-source project

Diseasome, explore the human disease network

DiseasomeGephi team presents today a science-mapping project: Diseasome. Asked by Magali Roux, Senior Scientist at CNRS, to create a website to come with the publication of her book, Biology – The digital era, we worked on the “Human Disease Network” dataset and built a network exploration platform.

“On a unique place, one can find information about the book, the dataset related to the writings, an online data exploration framework and the file to manipulate these data with Gephi.”

The HDN (Human Disease Network) and the GDN (Gene Disease Network) were extracted from the original dataset and treated with Gephi. From the results, an interactive map has been created with the help of RTGI/Linkfluence tools. A poster is also available, with the full network and some useful statistics.

Although this work is experimental, we hope it can help scientists to explore and search in this complexity. The Diseasome is above all an innovative way to present a scientific work. The importance of complex data in science and particularly network graphs brings a lot of challenges. As well as computational issues, many things can be done with graphic design and interaction.

Explore the Diseasome

[nggallery id=3]

CPAN-Explorer, an interactive exploration of the Perl ecosystem

We are proud to announce the first Gephi-based system for exploring a complex network, CPAN-Explorer. This is a visualization project aiming at analyzing the relationships between the developers and the packages of the Perl language, known to be organized as the CPAN community (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network). Produced by RTGI Labs and our team, it was initially discussed in a talk at the FPW’09.

You can download original graph source files from each subproject page.
Available formats are: GEXF (Gephi graph format), GDF (Guess graph format), SVG, and PDF.
For some of the subprojects, an embedded javascript visualization is also available. For the community graph, a special Flash webpage is available for online exploration.


map of the Perl community on the Web

We generated two maps (authors and modules) using the CPANTS data. For the websites, we crawled a seed generated from the CPAN pages of the previous authors. Each of this graphs are generated using a force base algorithm.

All the map are available in PDF files, in creative common licence. The slides are in french, but we will explain the three maps here.

Flash interface

CPAN’s modules

The first map is about the modules available on the CPAN. We selected a list of modules which are listed as dependancies by at least 10 others modules, and the modules who used them. This graph is composed of 7193 nodes (or modules) and 17510 edges. Some clusters are interesting:

  • LWP and URI are really the center of the CPAN
  • a lot of web modules (XML::*, TemplateToolkit, HTML::Parser, …)
  • TK is isolated from the CPAN
  • Moose, DBIx::Class and Catalyst are forming a group. This data are from march, we will try to do a newer version of this map this summer. This one will be really interesting as Catalyst have switched to Moose

The CPAN’s authors

This map is about the authors on the CPAN. There is about 700 authors and their connections. Each time an author use a module of another author, a link is created.

  • Modern Perl, constitued by Moose, Catalyst, DBIx::Class. Important authors are Steven, Sartak, perigin, jrockway, mstrout, nothingmuch, marcus ramberg
  • Slaven Rezić and others TK developpers are on the border
  • Web map

    We crawled the web using the seed generated using the CPAN’s authors pages.

    • again, the “modern group”, on the top of the map, with Moose/Catalyst/DBIx::Class developpers
    • some enterprises, like shadowcat and iinteractive in the middle of the “modern Perl”, Booking in the middle of the YAPC’s websites (they are a major sponsor of this events), 6apart, …
    • is the reference for the Perl community (the site is oriented on their sides)
    • is the reference for the open source community
    • github is in the center of the Perl community. It’s widely adopted by the Perl developpers. It offers all the “social media” features that are missing on the CPAN

    We hope you like this visualisations, have fun analyzing them 🙂

    Thanks Franck for the original post.
