Gephi at Eurovis 2010, Bordeaux

The Gephi Team presents a poster for the Eurovis 2010 conference, June 9-11, located in Bordeaux, France.

EuroVis 2010 is the 12th annual Visualization Symposium jointly organized by the Eurographics Working Group on Data Visualization and the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee.

The poster will be presented by Sebastien Heymann and Mathieu Jacomy on site during the poster session. They will also provide live demo.

It is a great opportunity to present some of the visualization features available in Gephi and discuss with the research community about the project and network visualization in general.

The poster concentrates on the visualization topic and a general project presentation. It describes the visualization architecture built for the OpenGL and Preview engine.


Using Computer Games Techniques for Improving Graph Viz Efficiency

Gephi is a modular and extensible open-source network visualization platform. It follows a pragmatic approach for visualization by using two different engines for two different purposes. Large scale graph drawing requires performance and interactivity, but also customization and implementation flexibility. We observed that fulfilling all aspects in a single rendering engine is technically not viable on a long-term view and propose to use different technologies. Gephi project aims to create a sustainable software and technical ecosystem, driven by a large international open-source community, who shares common interests in networks and complex systems. It focuses on visualization and manipulation, simplicity and extensibility.

Full Abstract (2 pages)

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